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Datadog Environment Graphics for the New York Office


Hyun Auh




Creating wallpaper designs for Datadog's 46th-floor conference rooms was an exciting journey full of creativity and adaptability. I was responsible for developing the entire concept, from the color system to the pattern design, and I eagerly embraced the challenge of learning new software to bring my vision to life.

Inspired by themes of flow, direction, shooting stars, and high energy, the concept aimed to infuse the conference rooms with a vibrant and uplifting ambiance. Throughout the design process, I paid meticulous attention to detail to ensure that the patterns conveyed the desired energy and aesthetics seamlessly. The final result not only adorned the walls but also contributed to an immersive and inspiring environment for both internal meetings and external collaborations.


Datadog Environment Graphics for the Boston Office


Hyun Auh








The wallpaper design for Boston's conference rooms was inspired by the ripple effect and sound wave shapes. Datadog's aim was to create a positive environment for the employees who use these conference rooms. The main element of the design was the kite shape.

The kite shape symbolizes freedom, creativity, and the ability to soar to new heights. It represents taking risks, breaking free from limitations, and embracing opportunities for growth and innovation. In the context of the conference rooms, incorporating the kite shape into the wallpaper design signifies a desire to foster a dynamic and forward-thinking atmosphere, where employees feel empowered to express themselves and explore new ideas.


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